These are a collection of interesting blogs I've come across on the web.
- All gorilla and no biscuits
- Cool site about
a skateboarder in Austin, TX. Nice mix of photos and Bill & Ted logic.
- Nubbin.com
- "a nubbin
is a stunted growth. this weblog is not, however, about dwarfism or
pituitary disorders, although I reserve the right to discuss such topics
in pointless detail."
- et
- A new
blog written by me. A petite blog, that few will read, with tiny lies,
and miniscule stories about everything else, captured in the small.
- Bitter
- "It started
as a test for a friend, and has blown into a mass of incoherent writings
and blatherings about nothing consequential or meaningful. It has become,
however, a great resource for anything related to, or created by, cheese
food products."
- Kottke.org
- "Kottke.org
is a personal Web site of Jason Kottke. It's something I do in my spare
time to keep my writing, design, and critical skills in working order."
- Megnut
- "Megnut
is my personal site. I'm Meg. Recently people have been referring to
me as "Megan" which irritates me to no end, for many reasons..."
- Crazy
Apple Rumor Site
- "Crazy
Apple Rumors Site is dedicated to the fabrication of Apple rumors that
defy verifiability, grammatical convention or any basis in reality."
- Yum
- "yumfuji
is really sweet- a webspace which explores silly thoughts via photography
and colored squares."
- Jennifer
- Lead singer
in the band Simple Machines